Business advisory services
Gaining the advantage with business advisory and strategic planning.
Of course, the sensible and proper structuring of your business will give you a head start in achieving success, but it’s also a fact that day-to-day management of a business can be dramatically improved through the choice of external management expertise and skills, especially as managers can become too close to the business to recognize potential risk.
What is business advisory?
The answer to deciphering this complex puzzle is our business advisory services. Trust our experienced team to help support your business undertakings, get you optimally structured and sustainably positioned for success with a variety of strategic solutions.
We offer flexible and scalable services dependent on your needs, everything from setting up a business to successfully running your business.
Get a trusted advisor to help you stay ahead now.
What are business advisors?
Think of our business advisors as your independent sounding board and business coach. Our business advisory experts are always on hand to help you navigate the future with confidence and make the right choices based on their clear and timely advice. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the extensive benefits you receive by keeping us close by for advice as needed.
Business advisory services vs consulting services.
We offer business advisory services, therefore typically our advisers work with your business over extended periods of time, this builds more trust and rapport, while consultants tend to work with their clients on a short-term basis.
Do you have an advisor you can trust to help you stay ahead?

Corporate valuations
When a corporation’s physical, contractual, and financial assets and liabilities require objective valuation you can call on our range of skilled and independent valuation services.
Accurate, timely, appropriate valuations
Whether during financial reporting, a business deal, dispute, for tax purposes or in marital dissolution, valuations can vary depending upon the business value standard and the premise of value. Our professionals are experts in the income, asset, and market approaches to valuations. Moreover, we carefully evaluate each engagement to determine the approach that will be most beneficial to the assignment.
Internal audit
Most successful organizations today realize the benefit of internal audit, with many having already brought the function in house, or being in the process of doing so.
Bringing internal audit in house
Internal Audit has evolved rapidly over the last few years. Today it is recognised as a fully risk-based function that adds value throughout the organization. A successful internal auditor is a highly skilled individual, with skills in disciplines as diverse as change management, business process and information technology.
With such valuable individuals being scarce in the market, a large number of organizations have turned to us for assistance.

Acquiring your own internal auditor – pain free
Our dedicated internal audit experts have many years of both professional and practical experience. This means you can access a range of services, from full to co-sourcing internal audit services.
In addition, you can implement a programme that works for more and more of our clients: “Internal Audit Mentoring”. This service enables you to appoint one of your staff members with the potential to fully manage the internal audit and risk management functions, but needs a year or two before they have acquired the requisite skills. During this period we manage both the internal audit function as well as your nominee on a part-time basis. This ensures proper knowledge transfer in a hands-on, practical manner until you have the resources to run your internal audit function independently.