Studiebeurse wat deur werkgewers aan hul werknemers – of dié se familielede – toegestaan word, is vrygestel van inkomstebelasting.
Read MoreExchange control rules can be confusing at the best of times. When it comes to foreign investments, different rules apply to different types of clients.
Read MoreThe Exceed Group has joined forces with GRA Services, a local firm that provides cost-effective and high quality internal audit services.
Read MoreSome pleasing amendments to taxation laws, especially estate tax deductions, are on the cards.
Read MoreIngevolge Artikel 4 van die Boedelbelastingwet No 45 van 1955 word sekere aftrekkings (sg. kortings) van die netto waarde van ’n boedel toegelaat ten einde die finale waarde van ’n boedel vir belastingdoeleindes te bepaal. Hierdie Artikel is onlangs gewysig. Die meeste mense is vertroud met die volgende twee kortings: korting vir alle eiendom wat…
Read MoreMany companies are finalising their financial statements for the year ended 28 February 2009, while previous exchange control approvals for local borrowings by ‘affected persons’ expire on 31 August 2009.
Read MoreOne of the most important reasons for a proper estate plan is to minimise estate duty and any possible capital gains tax liability.
Read MoreDo you wish to make a corporate social investment (such as a bursary scheme for underprivileged persons), but don’t know whether it will qualify for a tax deduction?
Read MoreEen van die belangrikste wysigings aan die Maatskappywet wat gedurende die jaar in werking getree het, is die vrystelling van statutêre oudit vir maatskappye wat nie as openbare weldaadsorganisasies (non-public benefit organisations) geklassifiseer is nie.
Read More“South Africa’s happiest women are married, child-free and self-employed.” (Well, there are always exceptions!)
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